

发布时间:2015年1月21日 石家庄劳动争议律师  

劳动和社会保障部部长 张左己
国家工商行政管理总局局长 王众孚

第一条 为规范中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构的设立,保障求职者和用人单位的合法
权益,根据劳动法、中外合资经营企业法和中外合作经营企业法的有关规定, 制定本规定。

第二条 设立从事职业介绍的中外合资、中外合作机构应当按照本规定执行。

第三条 劳动保障行政部门、外经贸行政部门和工商行政管理部门在各自职权范围内负责




第四条 中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构应当依法开展经营活动,其依法开展的经营活

第五条 中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构可以从事下列业务:







第六条 申请设立中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构应当具备以下条件,并应按本规定第




第七条 设立中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构,应依法向拟设立企业住所地省级外经贸








第八条 省级劳动保障行政部门接到按本规定第七条规定转来的申请文件后,应在15日

第九条 省级外经贸行政部门接到同级劳动保障行政部门同意设立中外合资、中外合作职

第十条 获得批准的申请者, 自接到中外合资、中外合作企业批准证书之日起30日内,

第十一条 中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构投资者变更、股权比例发生变化或设立分支

第十二条 中外合资、中外合作职业介绍机构的管理适用《劳动力市场管理规定》和外商

第十三条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区投资者在内地以及台湾地区投资者在大陆投

第十四条 本规定自2001年12月1日起施行。

ordinance of the ministry of labour and social security and
the state administration for industry and commerce
(ordinance no. 14 issued on october 9, 2001)

approved on the 7th ministerial meeting of the ministry of labour and social
security on may 8, 2001, and consulted with and approved by the ministry of foreign
trade and economic cooperation, this provisional regulation on the establishment
and administration of job referral agencies of chinese-foreign joint ventures and
cooperatives is now promulgated. it shall come into effect on december 1, 2001.
minister of labour and social security

zhang zuoji (signaturestamp)

minister of the state administration for industry and commerce

wang zhonghou (signature stamp)

provisional regulation on the establishment and administration of job referral
agencies of chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives

[article 1] whereas it is imperative to well regulate the establishment of job referral
agencies, to protect the legal rights of job-seekers and employing organizations, this
regulation is promulgated in accordance with related provisions of the labour law of
china, chinese-foreign enterprise joint venture law of china and the
chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise law of china.

[article 2] the establishment of job referral agencies of chinese-foreign joint
ventures and cooperatives shall follow the provisions of this regulation.

[article 3] the government labour and social security departments, the government
foreign trade and economic cooperation departments, and the government
administration offices industry and commerce are charged, under their division of
duties, with the approving, registering, administering and supervising job referral
agencies of chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives.

the opening of job referral agencies of chinese-foreign joint ventures and
cooperatives has to be approved by provincial-level government labour and social
security department (hereinafter referred as provincial labour and social security
department) and provincial-level government foreign trade and economic cooperation
department (hereinafter referred as provincial foreign trade department). the
applying agencies shall then register with a local government administration office for
industry and commerce at the same geographical area where these applying agencies
are located.

foreign self-funded job referral service agencies are disallowed.

the business residential and representative offices of foreign enterprises and foreign
business associations founded in china are not allowed in providing job referral
services in china.

[article 4] job referral agencies of chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives
should operate under legal provisions, and their legitimate business activities are
protected by chinese laws.

[article 5] job referral agencies of chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives
are allowed to carry out the following business activities:

i. i.provide job referral service to chinese and foreign job-seekers and
ii. ii. provide employment guidance and counseling service;
iii. iii.collect and disseminate labour market information;
iv. iv. hold job fairs with the approval of provincial labour and
social security departments or their authorized prefecture-level labour
and social security departments; and
v. v.provide other services approved by provincial labour and social
security departments or their authorized prefecture-level labour and
social security departments.

concerning job referral service to chinese citizens to work overseas and the
recruitment of chinese employees in representative offices of foreign enterprises
should follow the provisions of state regulations.

[article 6] to apply for opening job referral service agencies of chinese-foreign joint
ventures and cooperatives, the applicant agencies should meet the following criteria
and go through the procedures stipulated in the articles 7-10:

i. i.the applicant foreign investing parties to job referral agencies of
chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives should be legal entities in
the field of job referral services, having employment service experience in the
country where they are registered, and enjoying good reputation in the field
of employment service;
ii. ii.the applicant chinese investing parties to job referral agencies of
chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives should also be legal entities
in the field of job referral services, and they should also enjoy good
reputation in the field of employment services; and
iii. iii. the potential job referral agencies of chinese-foreign joint ventures
and cooperatives should be in possession of no less than 300,000 usd of
registration capital. there have to be over 3 professionals who are qualified in
job referral occupation. these agencies should have clearly identified scope
of business, business code and management rules. they should also have
office rooms and business facilities suitable for carrying out their business
activities. major business managers should have experience in the field of
employment service.

[article 7] to set up job referral agencies of chinese-foreign joint ventures and
cooperatives, application should be submitted to the provincial foreign trade
department where the potential job referral agencies are located, along with other
relevant documents needed for setting up such agencies.

upon receiving such applications, provincial foreign trade departments should pass
on the following documents to provincial labour and social security departments:

i. i. business registration certificates of both chinese and foreign parties
ii. ii. qualification certificates and cvs of major business managers
iii. iii. the cvs and occupational qualification certificates of professionals
of the potential job agency;
iv. iv. office area utilization certificate;
v. v.proposed business scope document;
vi. vi. other documents required by laws and regulations.

[article 8] upon receiving the application documents listed in article 7, the
provincial labour and social security department should make the response within
15 days. should the proposed agency meet the criteria, the provincial labour and agency does not fully meet the criteria, the provincial labour and social security
department should return the application documents to provincial foreign trade
department with explanations.
and social security department on a case of applying for establishing job referral
agency of chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives, the provincial foreign
trade department shall make its approval or disapproval decision within 30 days. if
approved, the approval certificate shall be provided to the applicants; otherwise the
applicants should be informed.

[article 10] upon receiving the certificate of approval for opening job referral agency
of chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives, registration has to be made with
local administration for industry and commerce, authorized by the state
administration for industry and commerce, at the place where the proposed job
referral agency is located. within 10 days of registration, the job referral agency
should file a record with provincial labour and social security department or its
authorized prefecture-level labour and social security agencies.

[article 11] any change of investing parties, stock share composition or setting up
branches should seek the consent of the original approving departments. upon such
consent and approval, the job referral agency shall renew its registration with the
agency of administration for industry and commerce, and then file a record with
labour and social security department.

[article 12] the administration of job referral agencies of chinese-foreign joint
ventures and cooperatives shall follow the rules of labour market administration
and other regulations on foreign funded enterprises.

[article 13] for investors from hongkong special administrative region, macao
special administrative region and taiwan who intend to set up job referral agency of
joint ventures and cooperatives, this regulation shall apply as well.

[article 14] this regulation becomes effective on december 1, 2001.


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